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Webinar: European Timber Importer readiness for EUDR

By Hollie Bridgland | 10 November 2022

Following the launch of our Timber report – Supply Chain Traceability: A Spotlight on Timber – we hosted a webinar with Chloé Viala from Preferred by Nature, Oliver Cupit from ZSL SPOTT and David Coleman from iov42. 

The report revealed the results from our survey of over 250 Timber Importers across the UK, Italy, France, Belgium and Austria where we asked questions around readiness for incoming regulation (namely European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR)), and attitudes towards traceability solutions.

In this webinar we discussed the survey findings further and our experts explained why we think it is that Timber Importers are behind, or hesitant to adopt traceability solutions to meet (existing) and incoming due diligence requirements.

Check out the webinar in full here and get in touch if you want to learn more!




About Preferred by Nature: 

Preferred by Nature (formerly NEPCon) is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to fostering sustainable land use and responsible trade in forest and climate impact commodities. With more than 25 years of experience and a roster of international clients, PBN works globally across all continents.



SPOTT is a free, online platform developed by ZSL (the Zoological society of London) supporting sustainable commodity production and trade. By tracking transparency, SPOTT incentivises the implementation of corporate best practice. SPOTT assesses commodity producers and traders on the public disclosure of their policies, operations and commitments related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.

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