Check out our traceability solution, Interu, to help you reach EUDR compliance
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The potential of our technology

Thanks to its powerful but versatile harnessing of immutable ledger technology, our core platform has a wealth of potential applications across multiple sectors and industries. 

Supply chain traceability

Built on iov42’s groundbreaking technology, Interu is a traceability solution that puts integrity, accountability and authenticity at your company’s core.

With global challenges like climate change, geopolitical disruption and human rights abuses, traceability is no longer optional. Interu can help aid organisations in reaching compliance, like with the EU Deforestation Regulation, as well as improve operational efficiencies, cut costs and gain better market access.

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Digital Product Passport

Governments and manufacturers around the world are looking to build circular economies that leverage the value of recycled and repurposed materials.

Digital product passports are set to play a huge part in this process, helping to trace materials beyond the supply and manufacture stages so that resource management can be maximised post-consumption. iov42’s platform is already playing a pivotal role in this vital process, laying the ground for an exciting future.

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Carbon Credit Ecosystem

Global carbon markets are often seen as fragmented, opaque and unaccountable, leading to widespread distrust. This makes it harder for issuers to sell carbon credits, ultimately hampering action on climate change.

iov42’s platform provides the mechanisms to allow integrity and authenticity of data alongside accountability of the various actors involved in the ‘creation’ of carbon credits. When a buyer is presented with the carbon credit, they can verify the provided data and all those involved in validating the carbon credits and make an informed decision on their value.

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Fighting Counterfeit

Counterfeit consumer goods are a trillion-dollar industry, damaging buyer trust and costing millions of jobs worldwide.

Users can combine iov42’s scalable, blockchain-powered operating platform with the latest product tagging technology, to create a reliable system of customer-friendly, tamper-resistant certificates of authenticity. This can be fully endorsed by industry experts, offering new levels of protection to brands and consumers.

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Fighting Financial Crime in Global Markets

Anti-money-laundering (AML) systems sometimes struggle in today’s virtual financial world, while money-launderers themselves grow ever more sophisticated.

Based on iov42’s pioneering evolution of blockchain, see how  a unique AML solution could bring transparency and trust to global financial markets helping to prevent the laundering of money while safeguarding personal privacy and confidentiality.

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Decentralised Credential Verification

The way organisations verify employee credentials is changing. In alliance with a leading specialist in workforce verification, iov42 can give individuals control of their personal data, signalling a departure from traditional, centralised databases.

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Music Rights

As the music industry adapts to the digital age, ensuring that creators and other contributors receive their due reward has been a constant challenge. Current systems for doing so are complex and costly to the consumer, while often falling short in the outcomes they seek to achieve.

iov42’s unique platform is ideally suited to addressing these challenges, bringing efficiency and trust to what is a fragmented, inefficient industry. Our identity centric approach creates transparency and accountability for rights creation, transfer and use.

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Covid Passports

Covid-19 has led to a global health challenge unprecedented in human history. Distributed Ledger Technology can help create solutions to many of the challenges it presents, from the supply of PPE to the approval and rollout of vaccinations and the safe, smooth movement of people.

iov42’s unique approach uses digital identities to create accountability and visibility in the creation and distribution of vaccination passports, while ensuring citizens retain ownership of their personal data.

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Software Traceability

From financial trading to driverless vehicles, software plays an integral role in almost every aspect of daily life – creating, capturing and controlling enormous value.

Such huge potential comes with considerable risks, from the misapplication of programmes through human error to deliberate hijacking for illegal purposes. Fortunately, iov42’s platform can help to ensure the supply of software is secure, reliable and auditable.

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